This year at Chrysalis we have created a series of talks and activities to look at the different aspects of the first seven years.
Our Term 1 Program begins with:
The developmental picture of the young child…
The insights gained through deepening our understanding of the different age groups can help free us from us from our reactions, allay our fears and help initiate new ways of being.
A talk by Melanie Deefholts
The 0-4yr old child… Saturday 25th February
Beginning at 9am the making of a simple doll
10-11.30am talk followed by questions
The 4-6yr old child… Thursday 2nd March
Beginning at 6.15pm with a simple water colour painting
7pm-8.30pm talk followed by questions
Thoughts into action…..How we work at home…
Given our understanding of the development of the young child… how can we create an environment and develop a living practice to support them? Let’s explore this by looking at what we know, what we do and how to take the next step forward.
A talk and workshop led by Gail Sprott
On Wednesday March 22nd
Beginning at 6.30 pm with a simple craft activity
7pm-8.30pm talk and workshop followed by questions
All sessions will be held at Morning Star Kindergarten (our campus in town) Elliot Close Children’s Centre on the north side
To allow everyone to have the deepest possible engagement with the content we ask that no children attend.