The Chrysalis School management team will make decisions in relation to school changes in inclement weather (heat and flood) with reference to the following guiding principles.
Guiding principles:
- Children and staff safety and wellbeing is paramount.
- Parents/guardians are encouraged to seek out information on the school’s website, which will be updated by 7.30am regarding accessibility to the Thora Campus.
- In the event of the Thora Campus being unusable for an extended period of time, Chrysalis School will endeavour to offer schooling options (in particular for middle school children)
- When the campus at Thora is closed, the Bellingen campus will also be shut.
- If Lavender Bridge (to North Bellingen) is flooded, or expects to flood, there will be no alternative schooling or child supervision arrangements.
- This policy does not cover every eventuality; the guiding principles will assist the Business Manager and Educational Manager in deciding on a specific response.
Procedural Guidelines:
Flood procedure:
The responsibility to call a flood day rests with the Bus Company. They are responsible for the safe passage of the children to and from school.
Flood days might be called in advance but generally a decision is made on the morning relating to that specific day.
Parents are advised to monitor the local radio stations, Bureau of Meteorology website and school website for relevant and updated information.
Heat Day:
Decision to call a heat day rests with the Business Manager and Educational Manager. This will happen in the event of expected extreme weather conditions (e.g. 40 degrees Celsius). The decision to call a heat day will be made after consultation with the Bureau of Meteorology in Coffs Harbour. The information will be updated on the school website by 7:30am. Options for a heat day includes closure of school for the whole day or part thereof.
Notification Procedure:
The Business Manager notifies: The Educational Manager, the teachers, and updates school website
The Class Teachers notifies: The Class Carers
The Class Carers notify: The parents as applicable
Parents are encouraged to listen to the radio and seek updated information on the school website.