Bus transport is governed by the Ministry of Transport regulations. School Travel Pass applications are available online.
For bus times for buses that travel to/from Chrysalis School, please refer below. For connecting buses, please contact your bus provider for information regarding times and routes.
Cavanagh Bus & Coach Buses for Bellingen travel
Any student who travels on Cavanagh bus services who is not registered for subsidised travel will be required to pay a fee for travel being $1 per day, this will include pre-school students and students travelling into town. Parents whose children are not registered due to non-eligibility and who are using Natureland services regularly will be required to contact Natureland Buses and lodge the students details along with parent/carer contact numbers.
Bellingen bus departure times from the Chrysalis Bus Shelter on Park Street:
- Senior Express: Classes 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 @ 8:15am
- Kindy Bus: Classes K & 1 @ 8:40am
- Junior Express: Classes 2, 3, 4, 5 + K, 1 & 2 students arriving in on connecting buses @ 8:45am
Bellingen bus arrival times at the Chrysalis Bus Shelter on Park Street:
- Senior Express: Classes 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 @ 3:15pm
- Junior Express: Classes 2, 3, 4, 5 + K, 1 & 2 students travelling on connecting buses @ 3:20pm
- Kindy Bus: Classes K & 1 @ 3:25pm
Dorrigo Bus information
Dorrigo bus departure times from Dorrigo NAB bus stop cnr Hickory St & Waterfall Way @ approximately 8:40am and bus stop opposite Thora Community Centre @ approximately 8:55am
Dorrigo bus arrival times at bus stop opposite Thora Community Centre @ approximately 2:45pm and Dorrigo bus stop cnr Kariban & Waterfall Way next to Catholic School @ 3:05pm
Thora Bus information
Thora Valley bus departs from Justin’s bridge Darkwood Rd @ 8:45am, Orama School 9am, arriving at school by 9:15am
Thora Valley bus departs from school @ 2:50pm, Orama School 3pm, arriving at the end of Darkwood Rd by 3:20pm