At Chrysalis, we believe the child should leave school with a craving to learn and an insatiable appetite for everything going on around them.
This phase of school coincides with the onset of puberty – a time of great change. As in the younger classes, the Middle School continues to cultivate the thinking, feeling and willing through a balance of academic studies, artistic activities and practical experiences. However, the emphasis at this stage is on assisting young people to integrate these activities with the help of the emerging ego. The students begin to acquire an intense curiosity and a growing capacity for higher order analysis and reflection. They are also moving towards more rational decision making and a better understanding of the consequences of behaviour. As their interest in ethical and moral questions develops they are keen to explore real world social issues. Many want to make the world a better place as active, emerging young citizens within our Australian society and global community, meeting the world in a truthful and creative way.
The Chrysalis Middle School Curriculum straddles both the primary and secondary NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) outcomes, as well as the National Steiner Curriculum.
Situated at the River Campus, the Middle School occupies a dedicated space at the Thora campus, allowing the students the freedom to develop their own sense of emerging adolescence, while still retaining the ability to be involved in the life of the school.