As has been discussed in earlier Emerge articles, the school is working with a funded program to enhance literacy and numeracy in the early years.
The Association of Independent Schools is supporting us in this process through an action research approach which aims to develop and embed instructional leadership and professional development for teachers. AIS consultants will continue to assist the school with professional learning opportunities in the areas of diagnostic assessment and personalised learning as well as introducing a three tiered intervention model to support children with additional needs in literacy and numeracy.
Assessment for learning is a key feature and all children in classes 1 and 2 have had a chance to work with their class teacher one on one during the year (on several occasions), to determine where each child is in their literacy and numeracy development. Such rich and specific information then assists the teachers to work with the aides and the learning support staff in tailoring ways of supporting children identified as needing additional support.
The Action Plan began at the commencement of this year and we will be continuing to develop this over the next three years to bring about improvements in our teaching and learning for all children.
In our latest PD, teachers K to 3 participated in a Webinar run by the AIS. We joined around another thirty schools via the internet, discussing maths teaching and learning. As parents you can play a highly influential role in encouraging a positive attitude to Maths. There is an excellent website at Stanford University, ‘youcubed’ and a poster from Jo Boaler has been downloaded with 7 really wonderful positive norms to encourage your child. Please discuss these and take multiple opportunities to promote Maths and how it helps in so many parts of life!
Jacqui Dutson,
Learning Support Coordinator