We started Term One with the introduction to Norse mythology and the epic poetry of the Poetic Edda, laying a foundation for later studies in the history of literature and in their appreciation for a variety of language styles. The picture images of creation, of the spiritual origins of the human being found in Norse mythology, give the children a deep sense of security. This sense of security is important at this age when the children continue on their journey away from the experience of oneness with the world, to an experience of their own individuality. During this Main Lesson, the children wrote retells, character descriptions and summaries whilst learning about the writing process of planning, drafting, editing and publishing. The children then carried over these skills of creative writing and presented their inspiring poems at our Harvest festival. The children were excited and took up the opportunity to run the Harvest festival with gusto. It was a wonderful experience to see the children stepping up, expressing their own individuality and sharing with their families and the school community.
Our last main lesson for the term focused on Local Area – Mapping. This practical Main Lesson tied in well with our Class 4 camp to Cathedral Rocks. Thank you to Andrew and Tyler for sharing stories and interesting facts of our local area. We bush walked to Point Lookout which over looks the entire Bellinger valley learning about the significance of the Antarctic beech trees and the Ebor volcano. The children learnt about cardinal directions and how to navigate with a compass – making sure Ned (north) is always in his Red Shed.
During Craft this term, the children have been working hard to complete their crochet cushion cases. Thank you Kamala, Johanna and Meg for all your preparation and support.
Music lessons this term, with new ensembles being formed for cello and marimba, have started off with a bang! Well done to all the children for their consistent effort with their music instrument practise at home and following the ensemble behaviour guidelines. The Class were able to collect 172 stars as an ensemble – certainly something to celebrate and a very positive and fun way to end the term with the Star Celebration party the music teachers organised for the Class. This was the first time the Class 4 came together for ensemble. They had dress-ups, star snacks and a inspirational sharing of music pieces they had worked on during Term 1. Thank you to the wonderful music teachers!
Class 4 has had a jam packed Term 1 full of new beginnings, new experiences and many new things to learn. Thank you to Julie, our class assistant, who is always present with the children to support them with their learning and growth. We really appreciate all you bring to our class.
With Gratitude