Our teachers have delved deep into a whole new way of presenting the Steiner curriculum and engaging with their students. We asked Lyndal, the Class 4 teacher, to give us some insight into her recent experiences and to share some of her students’ work. Here is what she had to say:

As the class 4 teacher, I have had good feedback from parents regarding the quality of resources and support with online learning at Chrysalis. Parents have commented how lovely it is to hear the teacher’s voice and how the stories are both entertaining and informative. The given structure allows the children time to set up their drawings and borders, prepare drafts and write up edited work into their Main Lesson books.
As a teacher, I have had seventeen out of nineteen students accessing the content and have had a 75% return rate on assignments. The great part is that the children get direct feedback on these tasks. In the collection of the ‘Mapping’ Main Lesson books from last term, I have received some wonderful stories, drawings and samples of local maps which I can share with you.
I have enjoyed catching up with the parents and children either via a phone call or Zoom and seeing how they are experiencing online learning. The parents have given me insights that have enabled me to learn more about how their children learn. In fact I feel closer to the parents by understanding all they do for their children plus the wisdom of knowing when to ‘not stress’ about the workload and when to take time out to play, cook, read, draw and take a trip to the beach.
As much as this has been a learning experience for all teachers across the world to adapt to using technology to teach remotely, I believe nothing compares to the dynamism of working in groups and being together with your class.
Missing you all, Lyndal!