Happenings in Class 2
This term has brought many learning experiences to the children in Class Two. The term commenced with the ‘Saintly Lives’ Main Lesson and the children heard a variety of stories about those who demonstrated qualities such as love, hope, courage, strength and more. Whilst learning about these wonderful people, we continued to take steps in developing our skills in literacy, and many learning milestones were had in the classroom.
From here we continued our adventures with King Counting and the square city that he developed in his kingdom. The children continued developing their skills in numeracy as we learnt how the king continued building out in the shape of a square. We continued developing our number sense as many opportunities were had to count, clap, jump, stomp and more.
Our final Main Lesson for this term will be the ‘Air and Water’ Main Lesson where we will learn about the water cycle through our class story. Within this Main Lesson there will be opportunities to develop our skills in literacy and numeracy, as well as observe how important water is in our environment, and the different forms that it can take.
Add to this our performance at the string concert, painting, drawing and modeling, our craft adventures with Kamala and Johanna (we have all finished our pencil cases!), visits to the library with Dot, Extra Lesson with Alison, singing with Kath, reading groups with Jacqui, and it has been an eventful and productive term with lots going on and much learning taking place. Well done to all and thank you to all who support and help out in Class Two.
Warm regards, Eric