Camps are a huge feature of the Chrysalis School curriculum. It is hard to imagine any other school out there, of comparable size, with quite as comprehensive a camp program. These camps become milestones for the children in our families.
They look forward to them for years before hand. And the camp that is often quoted by students as one of the most memorable is the Year 6 Snow Camp. Of course they do go to Canberra and study the Federation of Australia, the construction of the nation’s capital, as well as a look-see at the snowy hydro power scheme amongst other things. All fantastic parts of the building of Australia as a nation. But the thing the kids never forget is the SNOW. Coming from a hot climate, and lately a very dry one, this confrontation with a cold wet mass of snow makes a huge impression on them. Class 6 are off very soon, this time next week in fact. We wish them the best of camps.
Class 8 are busy preparing for their epic Guy Fawkes camp later this term. Under the expert guidance of Kym Pitman, they will walk into the Guy Fawkes National park with only what they can carry on their backs and then walk out the other end of the park, 65 km away, 8 days later.