As we make our way to the end of the school year, there is much to reflect upon and be thankful for. The world events have affected us all… with the extreme polarities of unity and isolation.
Fortunately, we have not been affected as much as others have. Even the extra time at home with your children can be seen as a blessing in these times of great busyness. With all this happening around us, the children have continued to develop in so many ways, showing great excitement with every new achievement.

This morning Gail shared a story about a journey to the rainbow bridge to the River Song students, and the handing over of a special group of star children to the one who will care and look after them for the next part of their journey. The Class 8 who are in their final year at Chrysalis brought a handmade gift, made on their last camp, for each child who is going up to Class 1 in 2021, whilst the River Song students gifted the older students a gift as a gesture of goodbye.

The Class 8 students and staff formed an arch outside of River Song for the children led by Gail as they made their way down to the bottom of the path where Soli was awaiting them to take them up to their new Class 1 room.

The year has been filled with the interweaving of many wonderful projects, creative play, enriching songs, verses, stories, and the development of many practical skills to last them a lifetime.
All these activities have helped them connect with themselves, each other and the world around them. They have learnt to work together cooperatively, have formed new friendships, while old ones have been deepened. They have come to know each other through their innate differences and their similarities and have a sense of belonging in the group. Now, as they stand on the threshold of Class 1, they are looking forward to what is ahead.
All the children have many seeds stowed in their souls to call forward and develop in the future. A great unfolding will occur to be sure.
It is always a poignant ceremony and with this year’s Class 8 co-teacher also being next year’s Class 1 teacher, Soli, it added an extra dimension! A beautiful moment to see Sean and Soli bidding their Class 8 students and each other farewell, and simultaneously welcoming the Kindergarten students to the “big” school.

’tis a gift to be simple, ‘tis a gift to be free
‘tis a gift to come down where you want to be,
and when you have come down to the place just right,
you will be in the valley of love and delight.
when true simplicity is found,
to bow and to bend, we will not be afraid,
to turn turn will be our delight,
when by turning turning we come down right.
~ River Song’s Going Up Ceremony Verse