Parents in the Bellingen Shire will have the opportunity to take part in two public workshops focusing on positive parenting at Bellingen Youth Hub on Sunday June 5th.
The workshops, which are proudly sponsored by the Chrysalis Steiner School Parents and Friends and Bellingen Youth Hub, will be run by Lou Harvey-Zahra, a leading parent educator from Melbourne. Lou’s work focuses on equipping parents with the skills to bring more wonder, joy and magic into daily life.
Free Morning Talk
Afternoon Workshop
The afternoon workshop is entitled “Creative Discipline”. Learn tools to help create more relaxed and connected relationships, set limits while maintaining closeness and trust, transform behaviours in a positive manner, and teach children skills that will help them throughout their lives. Is it possible to discipline without using punishments and rewards? Lou Harvey-Zahra’s workshop, Creative Discipline, offers numerous real life scenarios and answers to commonly asked-questions, with time for personal sharing to end.
This workshop will run between 1pm to 4pm and the investment is $35 for singles or $50 for couples. We are please to announce that the cost of the workshop for all Chrysalis Parents will be even cheaper! All proceeds from book sales and sale of refreshments will go towards sponsoring your workshop fee. So the more cake you eat the more you save! That is how passionate the Chrysalis P&F and the Early Childhood Faculty are about you attending this event. We really want to to keep the cost as low as possible for current Chrysalis parents
Lou Harvey-Zahra
Lou is a mother of two, a primary, special needs, and Rudolf Steiner teacher and playgroup leader. Lou presents widely across Australia and UK. Lou’s has three books including the bestseller Happy Child, Happy Home and her new book Creative Discipline, Connected Family: Transforming Tears, Tantrums Troubles (Floris Books).
Lou’s workshops and books have received great feedback in past events.
“What I loved about ‘Happy Child, Happy Home’ is just how simple it is to make changes that result in happier children and parents,” says mother Josie Connor.
Another parent says: “Lou Harvey-Zahra’s talks and books offer simple and practical tools you can put into practice the next day and see the results. I did!”
Lou’s books will be available on the day, at Weave, and from her website www.skiptomylouparenting.com
There will also be light refreshments available on the day with funds raised going to the Chrysalis Parents and Friends Committee.
For more information, or to make a booking please call 0425780681 or email lou@skiptomylouparenting.com