Steiner Education Australia is excited to be involved with the Australian National Museum of Education exhibition on Steiner education in Australia 1957-2020.
The exhibition, which is housed in the University of Canberra Library Exhibition Space, opens at 9am on February 24th and runs until March 27th.
The official opening is on Friday March 6th at 4.30 pm. There will be a book launch at the official opening of Dr Tom Stehlik’s new book Waldorf Schools and the History of Steiner Education: an International View of 100 Years.
It would be wonderful to see as many people there as possible to celebrate where we have come from within our own place, time and sense of community. This conscious reflection both informs and transforms the future coming towards us.
Now more than ever before, Steiner education is recognised as a highly valued approach to develop flexible and agile thinking and an ability to collaborate and thrive in a 21st century world. This exhibition reflects the growing importance and influence of alternate approaches to education which are coming in from the margins to take a rightful place as part of a broader educational mainstream.
Please see below for more details.