Fun and Fitness for all our amazing students on the last day of Term 2
Thankfully many students started their cross-country training during the COVID break. We were surprised how fit some of them were when we started practicing during the first week back at school.
Fortunately for the students Classes 2, 3, 4 & 5 practiced diligently 3 to 5 times a week throughout the term. Knowing how important exercise is for the efficient functioning of our bodies and brains, it was heartwarming to see the students all heading off happily each morning – some even practiced in their lunch times!
Lyndal, the Class 4 teacher, summed it all up perfectly:
“In response to the daily Cross Country practice, I felt my class made a consistent effort and each showed progress in their fitness over the term. The running before class definitely brought the children into themselves and they all seemed more able to concentrate during Main Lesson time. I think the teachers equally enjoyed the opportunity to develop their fitness.
All in all, running up and down the campus was fun and invigorating. With full valley views and fresh mountain air, what an awesome way to start the day!”
All the classes from 2 to 8 completed the cross country at the carnival and some amazing times were recorded. In fact, considering the steep terrain, the students times were magnificent.

In Class 5 – Zion and Ella completed the course in 6.44 and 6.47 minutes respectively.
Ella was “very happy” that “all her training was worth it”. Ella also, indicated that she worked well in class after her morning cross-country.
Also in Class 5, Mirakai and Naomi achieved admirable times.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS also goes out to Jarrah, Jasper, Kael, and Spencer in Class 4 who made a huge effort and even extended the course by adding on extra trips around the oval.
At the cross-country fun day all the students were involved in various games. Class 2 and 3 loved the hoola hoop and 3 legged relays while Classes 4 to 8 played a strategic energetic game together. The students participation in the cross country meets the requirements of the Movement aspects in the NSW curriculum (PD 2 – 8).
In Warmth and Peace,
Alison Scheef – PE and Bothmer Gymnastics Teacher