The courage of the students was once more on show this morning at our Term 2 music assembly, with voices and instruments providing the medium for heartfelt connection to self and others. There were many a tear in the hall, and rousing applause, for the achievement of performing in front of peers and families – many adults wouldn’t feel comfortable doing what those kids did this morning. Great effort!
By providing the students with many opportunities to extend themselves beyond their comfort zones, the aspiration is their comfort zones will then be extended even further each and every time they have a go.
Jacquie conducting the senior string ensemble

Tara, Class 8, singing “Space Oddity” – backing vocalists Tembi, Charlotte and Heidi, with Linda accompanying on keyboard

Charlotte, Class 7, singing “Paradise” – backing vocalists Tembi, Tara and Heidi, with Linda accompanying on keyboard

Ollie and William, Class 4, performing on viola for the first time with Ashaiah, Class 6, and Jacquie supporting them

Class 2, with support from Liz, Priya and Christoph, delighted us with a song full of actions… what courage they showed!

Darcy, Class 8, performing two beautiful piano pieces… what a star!

Naomi, Ilo, and Keenan, Class 4, performing together for the first time after only having one term of cello tuition so far!

And, a surprise inspirational performance from James, Class 8 teacher, performing an original piece “Butterfly”

Thanks to all friends and family who came out to Thora to support the children, and continue to support the children every day with their musical journeys.