Classes 5 – 8 Music

Here are some great shots from the Music Ensembles Sharing Session for Class 5 – 8 on Wednesday afternoon of Week 11 Term 1.
It was a great opportunity for the ensembles to perform / present in a supportive peer environment and to learn what each of the ensembles had worked on in Term 1.
Great for us teachers to see what’s going on in the other ensembles too – so much amazing stuff! From songwriting to marimba making to string playing… it was a juicy celebration of all the Wednesday afternoon work in Term 1.
Thanks Kym for facilitating!!

Class 4 Music

Here are some photos from the Class 4 Star Celebration for their work in music in Term 1. Through achieving consistent at-home practise and following the ensemble behaviour guidelines, the Class were able to collect 172 stars as an ensemble… certainly something to celebrate and a very positive & fun way to end the term.
It was the first time Class 4 Music Sectionals of Violin, Cello & Marimba came together in 2018. We had dress-ups and star snacks and beautiful sharing of pieces we had worked on in Term 1.
The class are collectively working really well as a music ensemble and we look forward to more collaboration in Term 2 & 3.
It was lovely to host teacher, Michele, and the class assistant, Julie, at the celebration too!

Class 3 Music

Here are some photos from the Class 3 beginnings of the violin learning in Term 1. The children have been taught how precious their instruments are, how to take very good care of them.
Continuing on from skills learned playing recorder in the earlier years, they are now able to play together the first few violin pieces. Class 3 are also working on their musicianship by reading music notes in their pieces.
Quite an achievement all in one Term! Well done Class 3!

Jacquie Gill
Music teacher