In 2014 Chrysalis School embarked on a new unit that fits under the PDHPE (Physical Development, Health and Physical Education) curriculum. James Deefholts will be delivering a talk to the Class 5 and 6 students entitled Sexuality, Gender and the Evolution of Consciousness. James has been studying this topic under the guidance of Lisa Romero and has been inspired to deliver this unit to our students at Chrysalis. This unit currently runs at Cape Byron Steiner School and Shearwater Steiner School and has previously run at Glenaeon Steiner School and Kamaroi School.
We would like to invite Class 5 & 6 Parents to an hour session where James will unpack the unit to interested parents on Tuesday November 10th at 7pm at Morning Star at 1 Elliot Close North Bellingen. Parents of children from other year levels are most welcome to attend, particularly parents of Class 4 students who may like a little peek at what lies ahead.