Morning Star Kindergarten Spring Festival is up first on Wednesday Sept 9th.
Preparations are well underway for the Thora Campus Spring Festival in the last week of term on Thursday Sept 17th. Save the date. Remember life is much too short to miss an opportunity like Maypole dancing in the spring! As in previous years we will be offering the Living Classroom from 9.30 am. This is where parents get to experience first-hand what a day in the life of a Chrysalis student entails. You will follow your child through morning circle and their Main Lesson with, perhaps, a few special additions! If you are new to the school we will be delighted to offer you a guided tour of the school at this time. At 10.30am we will all gather for morning tea, coffee, chai and cakes before gathering on the Maypole Green for the Spring Festival at 11.45am followed by a shared lunch. What fun! More details to follow.
Last, but not least Pitter Patter Playgroup will be having a wee Spring Festival will be on the last day of term Fri Sept 19th.