Lifeline has been asked by the Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre to present a couple suicide prevention courses within the Bellingen Shire. Thankfully these courses are at no cost.
safeTALK: is a half-day alertness workshop that prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources, such as caregivers trained in ASIST.
ASIST: People learn to apply a suicide intervention model. It helps caregivers recognise when someone may be at risk of suicide. It then explores how to connect with them in ways that understand and clarify that risk, increase their immediate safety and link them with further help. Over 80,000 people in Australia have attended ASIST which is available in all states and territories.
Bellingen safeTALK 25th March: click here for more information
Bellingen ASIST 4th & 5th May: click here for more information
Dorrigo safeTALK 9th May: click here for more information