At Chrysalis, the College of Teachers meets weekly in person on Thursday afternoons to experience artistic activities together, to pursue anthroposophical studies together, and to nut out the logistics of countless aspects of our cultural life – from festivals, to camps, to reports, to child studies, and beyond. In addition, the College of Teachers select two representatives to sit on the School Board to enable collaboration and meaningful discussion to occur between Board members and College members, and to ensure unity and transparency between the College of Teachers and the Board. To this end, the School has certainly strengthened and blossomed due to the time and commitment that our dedicated staff put in!

At College last week, Sean and Soli, our Class 8 teachers, shared their big homemade rod and magnet set that they have been working with during their current Class 8 Main Lesson. It all pieces together to make a series of Platonic Solids. The other teachers were enraptured!

Class 8 chalkboard drawing of Platonic Solids… and English Grammar!