On Friday 13th Nov, one of our founding parents and teachers of Chrysalis School passed away. Michael Harfield was instrumental in the early years of Chrysalis, working not only on the physical body of the school as a builder and at countless working bees and meetings, but also as a teacher and mentor to so many young people over the years. In later years he was the cook and mentor for Kym Pitman’s extraordinary Guy Fawkes River camps, contributing to this important work with the youth of Bellingen in ways that cannot be underestimated.
Michael and Wendy’s children Amber, Ebony, David, Kris, Scarlett, and Bianca attended Chrysalis and now two of their grandchildren Seth (Cl2) Marleigh (River Song) have joined our community.
Our deepest thoughts and sympathies go to Wendy and her family at this time. We include a few photos below from the school archives to celebrate the steady energy and quiet wisdom that Michael brought to everything he did at Chrysalis.