Whooping Cough Alert.

It has come to our attention that there are a couple of cases of suspected whooping cough in the school in the younger years.

Whooping cough is a communicable disease which can have serious effects on the young, old and immune compromised individuals.

As a community we can support each other so that we can help minimise the spread of infection through conscious awareness. If your child or a household family member has a suspected or confirmed case of whooping cough please inform us in the school office (confidentiality is assured). It is important that parents are proactive by isolating suspected cases from school as recommended by the NSW Health Department.

The recommended exclusion for whooping cough is 21 days or until they have taken 5 days of a 10 day course of antibiotics . The recommended exclusion time from school for unimmunised household contacts aged less than 7 years and close child care contacts is for 14 days after the last exposure to infection or until they have taken 5 days of a 10 day course of antibiotics.