Rhythmical Massage strives to restore harmony in the child/individual by overcoming imbalances caused by stress and illness. It creates balance in the child. Sometimes a child may lack the zest for life because one or more of their internal organs are not functioning properly. Rhythmical massage brings about an internal harmony so the child feels fit and has an abundance of energy to enjoy their life and learning journey.
One of the many benefits of Rhythmical Massage is that it strengthens the sleeping patterns which help the child to sleep soundly and wake up happy and full of energy. This enables the child to have the energy to enjoy playing, exercising and learning and then be tired again for another good night’s sleep.
Sometimes children do not eat a well balanced diet or are picky eaters because their digestive system is not functioning 100%. This can actually mean they end up feeling lethargic after they eat because either the food they have eaten takes energy from the body to assist digestion or because the digestive organs are not working correctly. Rhythmical massage can help restore individual’s digestive systems and appetite so they can enjoy different types of food without feeling tired.
When children are born they have to grow into their own body and for some children this process occurs easily. Unfortunately, for other children, they don’t seem to fit their own body or know their own or other peoples’ body space. These children can lack in self confidence and may tend to have social challenges. It is advantageous for these children to become more aware of their own body space and then they can be sensitive to other children’s body and feelings. Massage assists the process of a child becoming more aware and fitting into their own body, helping to build the child’s confidence which in turn enables them to socialise happily.
Rhythmical Massage encourages the child to blossom by invigorating the organs that are too weak or too strong. It lifts the child’s spirit and enables the child to be enthusiastic about life and play with passion.
We are extremely fortunate to live in this beautiful valley and also to have a qualified Rhythmical Masseuse living amongst us. Charlotte Rogers, whose children went to Chrysalis years ago, is happy to help us on our mission to ensure all children are healthy and have the energy to enjoy their wonderful learning experience at Chrysalis. Charlotte brings a great depth of knowledge and expertise because she is also a qualified mainstream nurse and a qualified Anthroposophical nurse. Accordingly, she has an amazing understanding of your child’s body and can clearly ascertain if he or she is functioning to their greatest potential.
If you believe your child could be more energetic to enjoy life and learning or happier within themselves Rhythmical Massage will be a big step in the right direction.
Charlotte (ph 6655 1158) is available after school and is working over the holidays and is always delighted to improve the well being of Chrysalis children.
All the best Alison Scheef,
Extra Lesson and Bothmer Gymnastics Coordinator