In Term 3 Class 8 investigated three main lesson topics; Financial Mathematics, Number & Algebra and Lay of the Land.
In Financial Mathematics the students discovered the history of money and examined the ancient wisdom of the Richest Man in Babylon, who encouraged his peers to save regularly and invest wisely (including in yourself, through learning new skills and talents). The students investigated budgeting, lending and best buys; all of which will hopefully make them more financially savvy into the future.
The Number & Algebra main lesson built on the concepts explored last year in Class 7, manipulating more complex expressions and equations. We revisited the order of operations and calculations involving positive and negative numbers and terms. Through balancing our equations the students processed multiple steps to derive a solution. This main lesson was also supported by the use of Maths Online; a web based mathematics tutorial and assessment application also available to the students at home. As the students are enrolled on Maths Online through the school, there is a significant saving to our families, which would normally pay $197 per year.
Our final main lesson was introduced through the nine day Guy Fawkes Camp. Eleven students set off down Jordans Trail, following the Guy Fawkes and Boyd Rivers to the derelict Dalmorton Public School, approximately 60 kms away. Led by Tyler, the students learnt skills including map reading and primitive fire making. Emerging at the end, the students had undergone a significant transformation, having been immersed in such a beautiful landscape and pushing themselves to the finish.
Back in the classroom, the students are broadening their knowledge of the landscape, investigating the geography of Australia and the world.
A big term and well earned break awaits the students.