The Founders Shelter was named (Maam Giinganda – Peaceful Place) and officially opened by Michael Jarrett in a moving ceremony at the Maypole Green followed by an wonderful afternoon tea at the shelter on a glorious autumn day. Family, friends and school community members came to honour those who helped envision and create this metamorphic school in the Thora Valley!

Steve and Kelley both spoke representing the school and their own personal families’ journeys at Chrysalis. Friends and family members paid touching tributes to Geo Scott, Marek Chodkiewicz and Michael Harfield, and past teacher, Christine Riley, honoured many other key contributors in the foundation stages of Chrysalis. It was a heartfelt, reflective and uplifting afternoon and we thank all for marking this special time in this our 36th year.

Three stunning, and unique, wooden benches were crafted for the shelter in dedication to these three inspiring men.

Students from Class 6 proudly represented the current Chrysalis students at the opening by singing one of Marek’s songs. Thank you Class 6! An update on their recent class endeavours, and class teacher, Ella’s reflections on the opening, can also be found here. Ella was a student of Geo and Joie spoke of the joy and pride seeing Ella come full circle and return as a teacher at Chrysalis.

Students from all classes planted out a beautiful flower garden in readiness for Friday’s gathering in the days leading up to the opening.

Thank you also to our fantastic builders who made this structure with love for and connection to the school, and for attending the opening!