Part Time Marketing/Enrolments Officer January 2022 We seek a warm and confident person to support the functions of marketing and enrolments within our School commencing in mid-January 2022. You can find further information on the position here. Position Description. Applications close COB Friday 3 December 2021. For further information please contact the Education Director: Lisa O'Donnell Ph: 02 6655 8616
Class 7 Sailing
Under a new initiative Class 7 have spent the last week sailing as an essential component of their Mechanics Main Lesson. Working with the varying pulley systems of the three different crafts sailed this week, and having lots of fun in the process.
Class 2 Play
Class 2 put on an amazing performance in their class play on Thursday.

Class 1 Excursion
Class 1 enjoyed a visit to Kerrie and Dan Schreenan's farm to learn about the process of turning fleece into yarn. [gallery ids="6609,6608,6606,6607,6602,6605,6603,6604"]
Teaching Vacancy 2022: Outdoor Education / PDHPE
Teaching Vacancy 2022: Outdoor Education / PDHPE Chrysalis is seeking an Outdoor Education / PDHPE Teacher to join our Middle School Program from January 2022. at 0.8FTE. If you see yourself as an enthusiastic, creative, and professional teacher with a passion for Outdoor Education and want to work in a collaborative professional environment, we encourage you to look at the application pack and Teaching Framework. An Application Pack and Teaching Framework for Chrysalis is available for your convenience here: Outdoor Education PDHPE Teacher 2022 Application Package Applications close COB Friday 8 October 2021 For further information please contact the Education…

A Joint Surveying Main Lesson
An insight into a future main lesson in the upper High School years... One of the Class 10 main lessons is Surveying.

Yarnam Swift Class 1 Teacher 2022
An Introduction to Yarnam Swift Class 1 Teacher for 2022...
Teaching Vacancy 2022: Class 7 and 8
Teaching Vacancy 2022: Class 7 and 8 Chrysalis is seeking a Class 7 and 8 Teacher to join our Middle School Program from January 2022, at 0.8FTE- with the potential to continue to Class 9 in 2023 and beyond. If you see yourself as an enthusiastic, creative, and professional teacher with a strong commitment to and passion for Steiner education and want to work in a collaborative professional environment, we encourage you to look at the application pack and Teaching Framework. An Application Pack and Teaching Framework for Chrysalis is available for your convenience here: Class 7&8 Teacher 2022 Application…
Class 5 Greek Olympics
Class 5 Greek Olympics Camp...
Class 3 Bamboo Harvest
Class 3 Bamboo Harvesting Excursion...