
Class 5 Egyptian Main Lesson…

Yarnam, our Class 5 teacher, shared the recent achievements of his students with their first comprehensive written research project - Ancient Eygpt. This was a project that started during the remote learning time of COVID, with Yarnam listing their project requirements in Google Classroom and providing the students with how-to videos to assist them. The children got hard to work at home, before bringing their partially finished projects into the classroom when school opened up again. Yarnam described this project as an opportunity for the students to show their individualised knowledge, with two key topics "Who were the Egyptians?" and…

A new Australian flag?…

Emma, Camps Coordinator and Class relief teacher, worked with Classes 2 and 8 to design a new Australian flag honouring Reconciliation Week last week. Emma explained to the students that the current Australian flag was conceived through a design competition and that now it was their turn! This week the two classes came together to showcase their designs.  

Transition 4 – Week 6

From Week 6 (Monday 1st June), Chrysalis will continue its return to school transition for all students - with three days per week for Morning Star and River Song, and five days per week for Classes 1 to 8. Please remember to send your child/ren to school with their own water bottle.

National Reconciliation Week and The Imagination Declaration…

In 2020 Reconciliation Australia marks twenty years of shaping Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation. 2020 also marks the twentieth anniversary of the reconciliation walks of 2000, when people came together to walk on bridges and roads across the nation and show their support for a more reconciled Australia. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We strive towards a more just, equitable nation by…

In My Blood It Runs…

At Chrysalis this week we will be imagining in to National Reconciliation Week (Wednesday 27th May to Tuesday 2nd June) in each of our classes. In addition, our Class 7 and 8 students will be watching the recently released movie - In My Blood It Runs. In My Blood It Runs was shot in Mparntwe (Alice Springs), Sandy Bore Homeland and Borroloola Community, Northern Territory, Australia over three years. However Maya, the director, has been making films alongside Arrernte Elders and families at an NGO called Akeyulerrre for a decade. This film arose organically from those relationships. The intimacy of the…

Transition 3 – Week 5

Beginning Monday 25th May our students will continue their transition to face-to-face learning, with all classes now with children in at the same time.

Italian Feast for Class 6

What a beautiful, engaging welcome back to school for Class 6 yesterday as part of the school's first week back to face-to-face learning! Kelley embraced her new role as Class 6 teacher by helping the students create an Italian Feast to celebrate the end of their Roman main lesson.

Music online

Our Music program has commenced online this term. This has enabled all students from Classes 3 to 8 the opportunity to continue their music lessons during the break from face-to-face teaching. These lessons have been 1:1 via Zoom with all of our music teachers and tutors working hard to ensure that these lessons are engaging and beneficial through this new medium. So far we have had really positive feedback from parents and students and it is wonderful that our music program has been able to continue. George in Class 5 engrossed in his online keyboard lesson with Linda

A teacher’s experience in remote learning

Our teachers have delved deep into a whole new way of presenting the Steiner curriculum and engaging with their students. We asked Lyndal, the Class 4 teacher, to give us some insight into her recent experiences and to share some of her students' work. Here is what she had to say: As the class 4 teacher, I have had good feedback from parents regarding the quality of resources and support with online learning at Chrysalis. Parents have commented how lovely it is to hear the teacher's voice and how the stories are both entertaining and informative. The given structure allows…

Transition 1 – Week 4

Beginning Monday 18th May our students will gently transition to face-to-face learning. Please contact the school if you are unsure which day your child has been allocated.