
School Bus Flashing Lights Campaign

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Did you know that by law you must slow down to 40km/h when bus lights are flashing? As our students start the 2020 school year, the NSW Government and your local school bus operator Busways are reminding parents, teachers and other motorists about this law which is designed to keep our kids safe. Lights begin to flash when the bus stops and the doors open, and they keep flashing for 20 seconds after the doors close. Children are most at risk in the minutes after they get off the bus as the can be unpredictable in…

Student Residential Address Collection 2020

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment will shortly be undertaking the 2020 Student Residential Address Collection. As a parent/guardian you do not need to provide any information directly to the department. The only thing you need to do is ensure your address details are up-to-date with our school. If you need to update your child’s/ children’s residential address details, please contact the School office BEFORE next Monday 17th February. We will provide the department with de-identified address information for all of our students’ families. This means we will provide addresses but no student names. The Statement of…

Head, Heart, Hands: Reflections on Steiner Education in Australia 1957-2020

Steiner Education Australia is excited to be involved with the Australian National Museum of Education exhibition on Steiner education in Australia 1957-2020. The exhibition, which is housed in the University of Canberra Library Exhibition Space, opens at 9am on February 24th and runs until March 27th. The official opening is on Friday March 6th at 4.30 pm. There will be a book launch at the official opening of Dr Tom Stehlik’s new book Waldorf Schools and the History of Steiner Education: an International View of 100 Years. It would be wonderful to see as many people there as possible to…

Seeds for a new social understanding

A talk by Seth Jordan, visiting New York-based Anthroposophical social science expert - at the Children’s Centre, 1 Elliot Close, North Bellingen, at 4pm on Saturday February 1st At the beginning of the 20th century Rudolf Steiner did extensive ground-breaking research into the living nature of society and social life. This research has inspired countless important initiatives around the world, and yet the larger significance of this research has yet to find its full expression in the world. In this talk we will explore the many different aspects of social life that he illuminated and how these different approaches all…

Class Plays Deepen Learning

By Ben Linstrom Every year, there is a time when each class in grades 1 through 8 stops the regular routine of main lesson blocks and immerses in preparation for a class play. It is an essential part of Waldorf education that we call pedagogical drama, because the plays specifically relate to the content of the Waldorf curriculum through the grades. For students, this is when what they’re learning truly comes to life for them. It may be historical or cultural, and it relates to what they have been learning in the classroom during main lesson. Routine and rhythm are important for our main…

Finish of the Chrysalis School Year 2019

A letter to parents and staff We are so sorry that this year has come to such an abrupt end.  Closing the School would have caused you considerable disruption and we want to assure you that such a decision is not taken lightly.  Some classes have been able to conduct activities away from School but limited resources and direct impacts to staff have meant we could not provide alternatives for everyone. As we write this message, the fires continue at the headwaters of the Bellinger and Kalang valleys and our thoughts remain focused on those under continuing threat.  At this…

Chrysalis Scholarships available for 2020

With over 35 years of providing Steiner education to families in the Bellinger Valley, Chrysalis Steiner School is opening up its doors further by offering scholarships to those families who have previously been unable to consider Steiner education due to financial or community disadvantage. The School is committed to providing access to Steiner education for as broad a group as possible within the community and appreciates that a diverse school community adds to the richness of the children’s education. Where class sizes and resources permit, the School will seek to offer a fully paid scholarship for children from families with…

End of Year Music Concert 2019

Last Wednesday's End of Year Music Concert was a memorable occasion, full of joy and talent. Inspired by a dedicated team of tutors, the students shone! Congratulations to everyone involved, particularly the Music Faculty, inspiringly led by Kym. The performance was a triumph of the vision for music within Chrysalis. The new program of expanded music tuition is seeing students engaged in opportunities across a broad musical range, much to the delight of the appreciative audience. Thank you to teachers and aides who supported their classes. Thank you also to those who provided help behind the scenes and those who…

End of Year Concert

We invite all to attend our End of Year Music Concert on Wednesday 27th November from 6:10pm.

Class 8 project presentations 2019

The Year 8 students have been working hard during the last few terms. Each individual chose a topic that they were interested in or felt that they would like to learn more about.  Finding a mentor to help them on their journey was the next step. Along the way they kept working journals, made progress reports and practiced the art of Public Speaking.   Their final presentation is in two parts; the display of the Project itself and the Oral Presentation that explains the students learning and thought process throughout their project experience. Friday 8th November was an opportunity to honour the students…