
Upcoming Parent Education Talks and Workshops

We are excited to announce a range of informative talks and workshops during Term 2 across various age brackets to assist you with your parenting journey. Please see our Parent Education page for all the relevant flyers. Happy Child, Happy Home - Lou Harvey-Zahra - Saturday 18th May 10:30am - 12pm @ Morning Star Creative Discipline Workshop - Lou Harvey-Zahra - Saturday 18th May 12:45pm - 3:45pm @ Morning Star Parenting Children to Thrive - Lou Harvey-Zahra - Sunday 19th May 9am - 10:30am @ Bellingen Youth Hub Positive Parenting of Tweens and Teens - Lou Harvey-Zahra - Sunday 19th…

Class 5 Indian celebration

What a turn out last night as the Class 5 students, with their parents and many siblings, gathered to celebrate the end of their Indian main lesson with dance, music and of course a fantastic feast after the day-long cooking class! Well done Michele and all the children. Thank you to Nadira for leading the dancing, to Lucas, Sonya, Christoph and Hamish, for the joyous sounds, to Sonya and Raj for the amazing cooking class and to all who provided extra delicious food. Thank you Jenny for capturing these beautiful moments!

Playgroups for 2019

Dear Parents and Friends of Chrysalis, We are delighted and enthusiastic about inviting you to be part of our playgroup programmes. Circle Song is for parents with children between the ages of 0-3 year olds and our Pitter Patter Playgroups which run morning and afternoon sessions for children who are three turning four in 2019. If you are interested in hearing more. My phone is 0420779819 and my email address is I look forward to your call. Suzane Polaris    

BYO Orchestra Workshop Day last Friday

Almost 100 students between Class 3 and Class 8 from over 7 schools in the Bellingen area came together and made a big powerful sound together at Bellingen High School last Friday. The workshop was a great success!! Enthusiastic responses from some of the Chrysalis students included: 'It was awesome!!' 'It was really tiring but it was extremely fun!' 'It felt fun to be in the Youth Orchestra for the first time!' Thanks to all of the Chrysalis Tutors who gave their time to be there - Natasha Dyson, Jacquie Gill, Tarni St John & Janelle Taylor, and for Class…

Whooping Cough update

There are currently cases of whooping cough amongst the school community. We update and remind us all to be diligent, informed and aware out of a consciousness that we hold for the whole community, particularly the vulnerable. Whooping cough is very contagious and can be dangerous to newborns and the elderly. Coughing and sneezing spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping cough can spread to any younger brothers & sisters at home, and anyone else in contact in the community. Keep coughing children away from babies. Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last…

Chrysalis staff make water safety a priority

Water activities form a large part of the Chrysalis Steiner School’s wholistic approach to education. Through direct, hands-on experiences our sense of responsibility for self and to each other is increased out in nature. The school is determined that staff and students alike are able to continue to enjoy the benefits of water-based activities safely. With raised awareness around water safety on the Mid North Coast this summer, it is timely that sixteen teachers and staff from the school completed their Still Water Bronze Medallion qualification last week under the watchful eye of Jason Phillips from Royal Lifesaving NSW. Jason…

Student Residential Address Collection 2019

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training will shortly be undertaking the 2019 Student Residential Address Collection. As a parent/guardian you do not need to provide any information directly to the department. The only thing you need to do is ensure your address details are up-to-date with our school. If you need to update your child's/ children's residential address details, please contact the School office BEFORE next Tuesday, 19th February. We will provide the department with de-identified address information for all of our students' families. This means we will provide addresses but no student names. The Statement of Addresses…

School Sores (Impetigo)

It’s that time of year that reported cases of Impetigo increase due to the heat and humidity creating the moist hot conditions that the bacteria thrives in.  It presents initially as small, usually itchy, red spots – not unlike mosquito bites – that change into blisters that fill with pus and become yellowish brown, looking a bit like it is encrusted with honey or sugar. (Chicken pox blisters tend to dry to black & crusty). Impetigo usually presents on faces (especially up noses and around the mouth area), hands or the scalp. It is very contagious through touching, scratching, using…

End of Year Music Concert photos

Heartfelt connection with the world through music... It was clearly evident on Friday night the power and joy that music has in enriching the lives and learning of our children. Exploring the world of Mathematics and Science in a fun, heartfelt way ensures the children connect with the importance of these topics and the relevance in their day-to-day lives. To see the students pull together in such a united way after a big year of learning was an honour and extremely gratifying.