
Whooping Cough update

There are currently cases of whooping cough amongst the school community. We update and remind us all to be diligent, informed and aware out of a consciousness that we hold for the whole community, particularly the vulnerable. Whooping cough is very contagious and can be dangerous to newborns and the elderly. Coughing and sneezing spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping cough can spread to any younger brothers & sisters at home, and anyone else in contact in the community. Keep coughing children away from babies. Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last…

Chrysalis staff make water safety a priority

Water activities form a large part of the Chrysalis Steiner School’s wholistic approach to education. Through direct, hands-on experiences our sense of responsibility for self and to each other is increased out in nature. The school is determined that staff and students alike are able to continue to enjoy the benefits of water-based activities safely. With raised awareness around water safety on the Mid North Coast this summer, it is timely that sixteen teachers and staff from the school completed their Still Water Bronze Medallion qualification last week under the watchful eye of Jason Phillips from Royal Lifesaving NSW. Jason…

Student Residential Address Collection 2019

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training will shortly be undertaking the 2019 Student Residential Address Collection. As a parent/guardian you do not need to provide any information directly to the department. The only thing you need to do is ensure your address details are up-to-date with our school. If you need to update your child's/ children's residential address details, please contact the School office BEFORE next Tuesday, 19th February. We will provide the department with de-identified address information for all of our students' families. This means we will provide addresses but no student names. The Statement of Addresses…

School Sores (Impetigo)

It’s that time of year that reported cases of Impetigo increase due to the heat and humidity creating the moist hot conditions that the bacteria thrives in.  It presents initially as small, usually itchy, red spots – not unlike mosquito bites – that change into blisters that fill with pus and become yellowish brown, looking a bit like it is encrusted with honey or sugar. (Chicken pox blisters tend to dry to black & crusty). Impetigo usually presents on faces (especially up noses and around the mouth area), hands or the scalp. It is very contagious through touching, scratching, using…

End of Year Music Concert photos

Heartfelt connection with the world through music... It was clearly evident on Friday night the power and joy that music has in enriching the lives and learning of our children. Exploring the world of Mathematics and Science in a fun, heartfelt way ensures the children connect with the importance of these topics and the relevance in their day-to-day lives. To see the students pull together in such a united way after a big year of learning was an honour and extremely gratifying.    

End of Year Music Concert

All are welcome to attend our End of Year Music Concert – Friday 30th November at the Bellingen Memorial Hall After the overwhelming success of our first two end of year music concerts held in Bellingen Memorial Hall, we will once again be putting on a show not to be missed! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our school’s musical talents to the wider Bellingen community. Doors will open at 6:10pm, and the concert will begin at 6:30pm sharp. All students from Class 1 to 8 will be performing. Students are to meet their teachers at 6:10pm in the following locations: Class 6 & String ensemble players on…

Senior String Quartet play for Bellinger Valley View Club

The Chrysalis Senior String Quartet (or FALL Quartet as they have named themselves, using the first letters of their names) performed for the Bellinger Valley View Club on Monday 19th November to rapturous applause from the 80 attendees and the Christmas Lunch event. They were very impressed by the ability and musicality of the Quartet and their wide-ranging repertoire. The Quartet played for almost an hour straight and still didn't play all of their favourite pieces! It was lovely to hear the ladies sing along to Silent Night and Skye Boat Song. The students were able to experience for a…

Class 2 Red Rock camp

Lots of fun was had in the waves, sand and rocks... the children loved connecting with and learning about the indigenous culture of the area!

Thank You Assembly and Morning Tea

On Friday November 9th we held our last Assembly for the year. This one was a special one as we celebrated the contributions of all of the school community, and on this occasion particularly Tyler who has been a much-loved facilitator at the school camps over recent years who will soon to be departing for Canada. The classes broke out in a heartfelt song of thanks for Tyler, with representatives from the Student Council individually offering their gratitude as well as the Class 8 students speaking enthusiastically about their favourite memories which often included reflections on camps and Tyler's involvement.…