
Class 5 Term 1 2018

Ancient India has provided much of the backdrop for what has been a heady term full of dance, excursion, feasts, story and art. The children plunged into Main Lessons which provided introspective elements of Indian culture as well as the more land-based foci of Ancient Persia. Deep gratitude to those of the community who have assisted in bringing cultural elements to the Class 5 learning journey this term. To Zai and the parents of Class 5 who cooked with the children all morning for our shared Indian feast. To Lainey for her time and dance-teaching talents which allowed us to…

Class 4 Term 1 2018

We started Term One with the introduction to Norse mythology and the epic poetry of the Poetic Edda, laying a foundation for later studies in the history of literature and in their appreciation for a variety of language styles. The picture images of creation, of the spiritual origins of the human being found in Norse mythology, give the children a deep sense of security. This sense of security is important at this age when the children continue on their journey away from the experience of oneness with the world, to an experience of their own individuality. During this Main Lesson,…

Class 3 Term 1 2018

A busy and eventful term awaited us all upon returning to Chrysalis in 2018. We commenced the term with the ‘Literature of Creation and Tradition’ Main Lesson where opportunities to consider the great themes of humanity took place. Stories of creation, tradition and authority, and the impacts they had on individuals, were shared and explored. In ancient human civilisations these themes have been expressed in some of the great narratives that speak directly to the growing child’s imagination, particularly in relation to questions that start to arise at this age. It was a wonderful opportunity to continue developing language and…

Class 2 Term 1 2018

Term 1 started with the Animal Fables ML with the telling of more traditional Aesop fables to some that featured Australian animals. The lessons that arise in these very short stories often leave the children pondering a range of animal traits that reflect their own social world. The children enjoyed drawing, painting and reinacting these beloved fables. The children’s foundational literacy skills have continued to grow. From letter-sound correspondence, writing sentences, sight words, word families, phonic patterns and reading. They are encouraged to read their own bookwork daily and they have developed industriousness toward learning. Writing as a skill is developed…

Class 1 Term 1 2018

On the last day of term Class One celebrated all their hard work by making a trip to the Fairy Dell. There, the children made beautiful homes for the gnomes and fairies using bush materials and crystals. The warmth between the children and their joy in playing together was palpable. I shared with the class just how much they had achieved this term. How clever they are to remember all the songs and verses in our morning circle.We looked at Puck's form drawing book, their Golden Letter books and the exquisite Number books we had made. We remembered how much…

Music Term 1 2018

Classes 5 - 8 Music Here are some great shots from the Music Ensembles Sharing Session for Class 5 - 8 on Wednesday afternoon of Week 11 Term 1. It was a great opportunity for the ensembles to perform / present in a supportive peer environment and to learn what each of the ensembles had worked on in Term 1. Great for us teachers to see what's going on in the other ensembles too - so much amazing stuff! From songwriting to marimba making to string playing... it was a juicy celebration of all the Wednesday afternoon work in Term 1.…

River Song Kindergarten Term 1 2018

Words of thanks from River Song: Just before the term ends I’d like to send a big thank you to all who have helped to keep Riversong kindergarten moving along so beautifully this term. Warm end of summer wishes, Gail , Jana and Christoph

NAPLAN for Classes 3, 5 & 7

Letters to Classes 3, 5, 7 regarding this year's NAPLAN testing have been sent out via email today. Participation for your child in NAPLAN will occur unless the parents right to withdraw form has been signed and returned to the office by 4th May 2018. The forms can also be found below: NAPLAN 2018 Letter to Parents Exemption withdrawal parent consent Consent for disability adjustment Additionally, recently the ABC News posted some findings that may interest parents: "One of the world's leading education experts says NAPLAN writing tests are absurd and are turning Australian children into bad writers, so he's…

‘Lots Of Socks’ for World Down Syndrome Day

  This year Chrysalis school will be joining in the international campaign of 'Lots Of Socks' for World Down Syndrome Day. We encourage all children and teachers to wear some brightly coloured, long or mismatched socks to school on this day to celebrate diversity and inclusion. Many of the teachers have planned activities to learn about, accept and celebrate each person’s uniqueness and to understand more about Down syndrome.   Perhaps it’s time to buy a new pair of exciting socks for Autumn or borrow and swap to make a pair of wild socks, please think ahead and have some…

Preparing parents for unfolding milestones – talks by Melanie Deefholts

We are excited to announce two upcoming development talks by Melanie Deefholts. Melanie has been working in the Chrysalis community for over 8 years with enthusiastic and positive feedback from the community. We invite all families to attend on Monday March 19th at Morning Star. Melanie will work with us as we support our children in their development and explore practical ways to navigate these years. This community striving not only supports our children but also helps prepare the adults for the unfolding milestones that are waiting to blossom ahead. Understanding the Adolescent in turbulent times and their relationship with…