
Morning Star changes for 2018

We are delighted to announce that from 2018, Morning Star Kindergarten will now be available for 2 or 3 or 4 days for children who will turn 5 during the year. Fees will be paid pro rata. The school has decided that, in order to make Steiner Education more accessible and meet the need for greater flexibility for parents and younger students, this is an important new initiative. The School strongly encourages children to be attending Morning Star Kindergarten 4 days per week by the start of term 4, in order to facilitate a smooth transition to River Song Kindergarten…

Queens Baton Relay comes to Bellingen

On Thursday 1 February, the Queens Baton Relay event is coming through Bellingen in the lead up to the Commonwealth Games. Chrysalis students will not be participating in this event due to the logistical challenges of the school's distance from relay. As part of event temporary parking is required by Bellingen Shire Council between 12pm and 4pm at the Park St bus stop in Bellingen. This will impact on Chrysalis parents who use this area to park when they wait for their children to return from the bus. Please be advised to seek alternative parking arrangements on this afternoon, and…

Morning Star Term 4

Wow, it is hard to believe that we have made it to the end of the year already and are now looking back at our time at Morning Star Kindergarten.  It is with joy that I have observed the children at work this year. Through their play they have been learning about themselves and the world around them.  From the start of the year to now, we observe the children in their play and note the development in their abilities to work cooperatively, negotiate, compromise, share and solve problems.  We work with the principles of restorative practice to develop understanding…

Class 5 Term 4

Class 5 recently returned from a 5 day camp to Armidale.  It was a great bonding experience, and informative of the Convicts and Explorer's main lesson that the class had been in the midst of.  We quickly learnt just how cold it can get in Armidale at this time of year, which made us appreciate even more our evening stories by the fire offered by Tyler. The ‘L Shaped Hotel’ was particularly intriguing, where the baby hippopotamus swims around the moat in the penthouse suite on the top floor??  Fun times….  As the year draws to an end, Class 5 are…

Teacher Training in Rudolf Steiner Education

Melbourne Rudolf Steiner Seminar   What is Steiner education?  Do you want to become a Steiner teacher? Call to arrange a Skype Information session for enrolling in 2018 Full time study in 2018 They invite individuals interested in Steiner Education and Teacher training to get in contact with them for a phone or Skype to learn about their full-time accredited course, the Advanced Diploma of Rudolf Steiner Education (course code 10527 NAT CRICOS 071548J). There are still limited places available for this course, commencing early February 2018. The Seminar has welcomed students from all states and territories of Australia and…

Class 6 is at it again!

Following on from Class 6's enormous fundraising success in Term 2, they are giving themselves the challenge of one last burst of fundraising before the school year finishes. They ask that students bring a gold coin (or more!) on Tuesday to join in their fun activities and food stall. See the colourful poster below for more details.  

35th Anniversary Assembly pictures

It was a beautiful, spirit-filled morning Assembly this morning in Maam Gamambiya to celebrate 35 Years of Steiner Education in the Bellinger Valley. Please enjoy the moments captured.   Welcome to Country - Micklo Jarrett   Mayor - Dominic King   Past Student - Amber   Teacher - Kym   Parent - Lowanna   River Song   Class 1   Class 2   Class 3   Class 4   Class 5   Class 6   Class 7   Class 8   And more...    

End of Year Music Concert 2017

All are welcome to attend our End of Year Music Concert - Friday 24th November at the Bellingen Memorial Hall After the overwhelming success of our inaugural Symphony Metamorphosis end of year music concert held in Bellingen Memorial Hall last year, we will once again be putting on a show not to be missed! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our school's musical talents to the wider Bellingen community. Doors will open at 6:10pm, and the concert will begin at 6:30pm sharp. All students from Class 1 to 8 will be performing. Students are to meet their teachers at 6:10pm in the following…

Chrysalis Fire and Restoration Workshop

On Saturday 11th November we encouraged interested parents, children and local community members to attend and share their experiences, challenges, questions and contribute to discussions on weeds, fauna, ecological and cultural burning, restoration principles, and more. Recently a number of burns were carried out at Chrysalis School with support from the local Rural Fire Service (RFS) Brigades. These burns were carried out for a number of reasons; to reduce fuel loads around the school, to manage weeds, to reduce the prevalence of ticks and for ecological restoration. The aim of this workshop was to share project stories and engage people…

Class 8 presentation evening 2017

The Year 8 students have been working hard during the last few terms. Each individual chose a topic that they were interested in or felt that they would like to learn more about.  Finding a mentor to help them on their journey was the next step. Along the way they kept working journals, made progress reports and practiced the art of Public Speaking. Their final presentation is in two parts; the display of the Project itself and the Oral Presentation that explains the students learning and thought process throughout their project experience. Friday 27th October was an opportunity to honour the students for…