
Term 2 Class meetings

The next few weeks are full of meetings. We urge as many parents as possible to attend. The class meetings form a vital bridge between the class teacher and the parent body. They allow parents to get an overview of the term's lessons. They also allow an extended conversation around issues of interest to the class and a deepening of the class community. We really appreciate the effort it takes to go out on a school night, particularly for those parents who have multiple class meetings to attend. So thank you in advance!Class 6 Meeting - Mon 16th May 6:30pm @…

An Introduction To Rhythmic Massage

During this introductory talk, immediately after the week 4 assembly on Thursday May 19th (9:30am), Charlotte will give an overview of the benefits and theory behind Rhythmic Massage - a treatment co-created by Rudolf Steiner.Where we find weakened human rhythms for whatever reason, we find ill health. The Hauschka rhythmical massage addresses the rhythmical processes in the body,  in the circulatory and respiratory systems and working via the warmth organisation, brings all bodily functions such as digestion and excretion etc, into equilibrium and harmony. Each cell feels the effect of a new path of streaming warmth and as a result,…

Song-lines of the Thora Valley.

The theme for the NAIDOC celebrations this year is Songlines –The living narrative of our nation, which will run from 3-10 July. NAIDIOC celebrations are an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. At Chrysalis we are planning a year long focus to deepen our connection to place and the indigenous culture that surrounds us. This intention arose several years ago in the 2012 visioning and has recently been brought to the attention of the  school community again by Monique Buggy and Kelly Small through the P&F.  This is a…

Hey Pesto!

We wanted to share a few recipes from our most excellent Morning Star Lunchbox Recipe Book.You can buy this from Morning Star Kindy at the Bellingen Children's Centre or from Kombu. 100% of all proceeds go to support the Kindy. Hey Pesto!A lifesaver when it comes to quick meals – can be served with cooked grains, pasta, noodles, in wraps, lasagne and pizza topping, polenta slices, etc1 bunch basil½ C nuts⅓ C cold pressed oil1 clove garlic2 large pinches of sea salt½ lemon* Any greens from the garden can be used & is a great way of getting raw greens into…

The Ground You’re Standing On… the beginnings of Chrysalis.

Looking at this early picture of Bob Sutherland, one of the founding teachers of the school, surveying the site that the school is now built on, it becomes possible to appreciate the  scale of the task work undertaken by the founding families in establishing Chrysalis. At the bottom of the hill to their left you can see the open expanse of what is now the sports oval. They are standing approximately where the 1,2,3 classroom is built and all that is on the school site is long grass and mud tracks.This article first published in Emerge in 2012 to commemorate the…

Leek, Potato & Parsley Soup

2 leeks            1 C parsley   6-8 small-medium potatoes500 mls vegetable stock500 mls water                 Greek yoghurt or creamSalt and pepper to tasteLightly sauté chopped leeks. Chop peeled potatoes into 1cm chunks. Combine stock, leeks, water, potatoes and parsley into pot and allow to cook on medium for 10 mins then reduce to low heat and continue cooking for another 30-40 mins. Blend and add seasoning to taste. Serve with yoghurt or cream.

Vietnamese Summer Rolls

These versatile rolls are good for breakfast lunch or dinner and being cold, they are great for lunchboxes and picnics. Use any vegies that your child/ren will eat. These amounts will serve 4.2 or 3 avocados2 cucumber1 capsicumRice paper sheetsRice vermicelliTamari2 carrotsHandful of lettuce/rocketBig handful of mixed herbs to suit your taste (basil, coriander, Vietnamese mint, mint) chop them all up and mix them togetherOptional dressing: doubles as a good immune booster/bug buster. Mix and shake well. 1cm fresh ginger, grated finely0.5 cm fresh turmeric, grated finely1 clove garlic, grated finely1 lemon, juicedgood splash of tamaridollop of olive oilCook your noodles and let…

Bellingen Show – Sat 30th April & Sun 1 May

From the Bello show committee– The Bellingen Show is on earlier this year, so don’t get caught short and not have your exhibit ready - or be unprepared for your event. Start thinking now of just how you’d like to be part of the Show.There are fantastic agriculture-related exhibits and events and many opportunities to show off your talents and skills. Here a just a few things that might be of interest to you.Firstly, students have their own designated Section with many Category Classes of competition for High School, Primary and Infants Students - and Pre-School Children. Category classes include Textiles,…

New system for when your child is absent

When your child is absent, we ask that you call the office or email the school on When we do not hear from has been our practice to follow up your child's absence with a written note sent home in your child's bag. This year we have started a new system to confirm the days that your child or children do not attend school. Instead of the previous request for an explanation, an email will be sent out at the end of the week to confirm any absences that have been recorded on your child's class roll of attendance. So far it is…